Saturday, August 20, 2016

UniKL MIIT: Accidentally false alarm date on registration day lol

Note: I might writing this combining English and Malay language+shortforms because why not? _(:3_)L

Heyya peeps, what's up? 

Okay first of all, you did good, Dato' Lee Chong Wei~! (Rio Olympic 2016, badminton) 

Second of all, sorry for the lack of updates in blog. Been busy doing some drawings and personal fanbook projects and so on; plus slowly warming up my animation skill *sighs*. AND THAT NEW CARTOON SHOW VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDERS WAS SUPER COOL I CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 2 THIS LATE 2016! 

Third of all, alright let's get into this.

Yeah it's 20 August 2016 today as it was written in a UniKL MIIT offer letter. Dgn semangat+separuh demam+sore throat, turned out hari registration postponed ke 18 September orzzzz o)--( 

I checked my call log, inbox message and emails if they ever informed me about the postpone date or not, but no. I guessed they just updated the date in the official website x'D but my bad I didn't check in the official website one. 

Besides having a quick conversation about postponed date with a man in charge of taklimat IT thingy, we (me and my dad) also asked him to explain briefly about this upcoming 18 September activity, the course, the hostel, the house rent, the credit transfer, etc. 

As some of you peeps know, I am taking Bachelor of Multimedia Technology (Hons) in Computer Animation. Sounds cool, isn't it? But I bet the syllabus/teachings at UniKL will be very far different from my previous uni back in diploma years, UniSZA. I took Diploma in Information Technology (Multimedia) and yeah pretty much basic we learnt there; or sometimes some of them I have to learn them on my own. Because, as you have seen some of my artworks, I'm more to illustrations; still images one rather than moving one. _(:3_)L Very first time encountering and involving in animation was in that diploma around semester 4 or 5 I forgot. And yeah, the very, very, very first time doing almost 7 minutes short story animation and I WAS PANIC CUAK I NEVER DONE ANIMATION BEFORE I THOUGHT I WANNA DO AN ILLUSTRATIVE E-BOOK lolol my supervisor told me to do animation in fyp project. But I'm glad everything went well. You guys wanna see my fyp animation project? xD

Oh goodness I feel shy now >//////////<

Below is my favourite part of all I did, although the running sound effect sounds.... off:

Yeah I know it's anime-ish style in your eyes right??? Tho in my opinion I didn't focus much on anime style "wholeheartedly". I unconsciously combined Disney/cartoon-ish/western style+anime style and thus created my own style that people might or may recognize.... But I think you don't see it in my animation cuz yeah,,,,, first time ever. (;_;) 
yeah it's a LOT of practice. Practice makes perfect. *thumbs up* No worries, everyone has different perspective.


Have you ever watched popular American cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra (American-Korean), and the newest one Voltron: Legendary Defenders (American-Korean)? (ouo)/ 

Oh yeahhhh speaking of mentioned "Korean", (BACK TO THE UNIKL THING LOL) my parents were shocked that Bachelor students of UniKL have like,,,, Foundation for Korean University or something like that?? I guess UniKL has strong affiliations with Korean universities, which is brilliant. 
Ayyyy it's a golden opportunity tho~ but yeah first we have to face the MARA scholarship/loan thingy and so on... Also, MARA will choose top students to take them to Korean universities and continue studies in "Game Design". 

When mentioning top students, I was like, well,,, masa diploma semput yang amat, apatah lagi degree nanti sobsss (qAq) (yeah I just checked grade scheme in UniKL. Whoa...)
But everything went well so far in diploma, walaupun ada ups and downs; and I got (I don't want to be proud of myself much but) 3.66 overall CGPA in diploma years (my pointer dropped on semester 6 cuz I can't focus between fyp animation and IT, but not much drop. Just a so-so). Well, Alhamdulillah I was very grateful. Eternally grateful. Plus I set my mind that it's a ticket to the next level, either into job world or next education phase. I don't think intelligence measures on pointer numbers. It was a survival living in uni life, both as a student and a human being tbh. Well, back to top students, I'm guessing they target 3.8 above or something. It's going to be difficult. (*-*) I must study hard,, in a smart way. I don't like study very hard like, very HARD. I just,,, need to chill, relax.... patience yields focus. (thanks space dad Shiro)

Wait what was I gonna write? Omg lol I forgot.... _(:'3_)L I was coughing so hard my throat feels sore and hurt while replying "Widowmaker" to my Indonesian friend's status in fb whom she asked "Who's your fave Overwatch character? This is just a survey." Yeah I like Widowmaker. (>u<) I played as her in beta version and at least it felt great once in a lifetime getting "Player of the Game: SarahWarao" lol (I can't afford to buy Overwatch game sobs).

Oh yeah about Foundation Korean University thing. 
Tbh, if, like I mean, "IF", or "kalau" which, Inn shaa Allah ada rezeki get to Korea, I honestly didn't expected this. Actually, I planned to continue in Australia after degree, and I've been planned to live there for the rest of my life (this is before knowing about UniKL's strong affiliation with Korean universities). Then little by little, my family can migrate to Australia and live happily there together; although yeah I have to find work in related field to support my family (my dad is in 50s now). We picked Australia because, my dad is very familiar with Aussie country since he was once studied there for years, second we went holiday there last Christmas (2015) (tumpang rumah kawan ayah yg juga merupakan org Melayu) yeah as you know that many Malaysians migrate to Aussie yap. 
I listed down a few animation or art or any creative companies from the well-known ones to the small ones, along with the countries they located and what position I can and able to work as; mostly I wrote; "visual development artist" if related to animation/game company while illustrations book company or etc related I wrote either "colorist" or "illustrator". The rest just my personal work being "artist" and "comic artist". 
So far, I only know one Korean creative studio; Studio Mir, a production who did outstanding Korra and Voltron. 

After hearing a brief about this UniKL Foundation in Korean University, I then put Studio Mir on top of my list. (tho I still need to do more research on creative industries in Korea whoaa.) (*-*)9

After all briefs and all that jazz, looks like I'm gonna wait again to open my new chapter until 18 September. While waiting for that date, I finally get to work on drawing and spend more time with family and home~

After leaving UniKL, my dad went to his meeting while me, my lil siblings and mom went to see BFG movie~~~ The movie was magically fantastic~ Good thing I got to drink hot teh tarik since air-conditioner in cinema is so cold and I wasn't feeling well much heheh. BFG reminded me of my late grandfather Tok Ki. QwQ

Well I guesssssssss that's all for now? My brain is mixing the experiences and words I don't know what to continue typing next hmmmmm. Welppp I better off to bed. It's 1.24am now. ~ Warao out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi tuan blog yang comel dan readers semua! Hehe. Hi korang! SR dah habis belajar dekat UniKL Business School taw! Alhamdulillah. Bulan Oktober ni convo! Hehe. Nak tahu kisah perjalanan sepanjang belajar dekat UniKL Business School? Meh baca blog SR. Bonus: Pengalaman program pertukaran pelajar di Kozminski University, Poland (ERASMUS+/ISEM UNIKL)

